September 08, 2013

Guidelines for Success

Guidelines for Success

Accept Responsibility   
Be Problem Solvers
Encourage Each Other
Treat Everyone with Dignity and Respect, Including Yourself
Always Do Your Best

These guidelines for success are not my classroom rules. Rather they are brief phrases that describe values, beliefs, and goals to strive toward.  Each of these guidelines has been identified as important in order for my students to succeed in my classroom and in their lives. As a teacher I hope to instill these guidelines in my students through direct instruction and interactive modeling. Sprick (2009) states how students can “especially benefit from the direct teaching of attitudes and traits that will help them succeed” (p. 35). Not to mention these guidelines have also been shown to benefit all students and decrease the number of supports needed (Sprick, 2009; Fairbanks & Sugai, 2007). Without having a true school as the context, I did not have school guidelines to work with. If I were creating these in an actually school setting I would be sure they were consistent with the school guidelines for success.

Implementation Plan: These guidelines for success would be implement in various ways, similar to the long-range goals. However these guidelines would be discussed in much more detail with students and would be posted with much more visual emphasis. I would want these goals to stand out within the classroom to give students a constant visual remind of the values and beliefs we strive toward. Similarly, I would provide praise when I observe, or catch, students exhibiting the guidelines. If needed I will also provide corrective feedback and/or reteach guidelines using interactive modeling to provide additional support.

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