September 16, 2013

CHAMPS Expectations for Transitions

·         Entering the classroom in the morning
 C – Students may engage in conversation at a 1-2 voice level with teacher and peers while putting away their belongings. Once they transition into completing the morning task the voice level should be at a 0 or 1 if they need to whisper a question to their neighbor.
 H – Students may ask for help by using our classroom Help! Strategies
 A – Teacher will greet students as they enter the classroom and will write the morning task on the board. Within 2-5 minutes of entering the classroom students will have all of their belongings put away and be seated at their desk working on the morning task.
 M – This transition requires students to sit in their seats. Once students do so they may move throughout the room as needed to sharpen pencils and get ready for the day.
 P – As soon as students put away their belongings they are looking/reading the morning task and then working on completing it using a 0 voice level.
 S – Success!

·         Class Travel (i.e. lining up, traveling to/from specials, assemblies, or within the classroom from whole group to independent/small group and vice versa)
C – Students will have a 0 voice level unless they are asking a question or for conversation such as greeting someone, saying please/thank you, or saying excuse me ( 2 voice level)
H – Students may ask for help raising their hands.
A – Teacher will sound the symbol and announce to students where the class is going. The students will quietly line up once they are called on. Students will pick up anything they need, push in their chairs, and walk to the designated line up area. All students will be in line and ready to go within 30 seconds.
M – This transition requires students to line up when they are called upon. Students will be asked to not move anywhere else in the classroom as they wait to be called on.
P – As soon as the sound and instruction is given students will line up quickly and quietly and wait for further directions. Students will be in a single file line (facing the back of the person in front of them). Talking will only occur for reasons above.
S – Success!

·         Taking out materials (i.e. independent reading book/transitions between subjects)
C – Students will have a 0 voice level unless they are whispering to their neighbor to ask what the directions were.
H – Students may ask for help by first asking looking for directions on the board, then asking their neighbor, and finally by raising their hands.
A – Teacher will write on the board and announce to students what they need to take out or put away. Students will quickly and quietly follow the directions and will be ready within 15 seconds.
M – This transition only requires movement if the materials are located away from desk area. If this is the case the students will be called to grab their materials and then return to their seats (similar to the class travel transition).
P – As soon as the instruction is given students will get out/put away their materials quickly and quietly and wait for further directions.
S – Success!

·         Clean up at the end of the day
C – Students may engage in conversation at a 0-1 voice level with peers as they walk around the classroom cleaning and organizing it and their desks.
H – Students may ask for help by using our classroom Help! Strategies or by asking the teacher.
A – Teacher will begin the mystery object game and play about a minute of a song. During this time students will pick up anything and everything they see out of place with the goal of finding and putting away the mystery object.
M – This transition requires students to move about the room cleaning, organizing, and throwing away garbage. Students should be following classroom rules and moving throughout the classroom only if they are participating.
P – Students clean up the classroom at a 0-1 voice level, while keeping all hands and feet to themselves, and then when the music stops, students will have a seat at their desks and wait for instruction.
S – Success!

·         Getting ready to go home
C – Students may engage in conversation at a 0-1 voice level with teacher and peers while backing away their belongings. Once they are ready to go they will read their independent reading books with a 0 voice level.
H – Students may ask for help by using our classroom Help! Strategies or by asking the teacher.
A – Teacher will begin playing the song of the day and within 2-5 minutes all students will have their backpacks packed and ready to go. Students will then sit at their desk or designated reading area and read silently until dismissal.
M – This transition requires students to move about the room packing their backpacks. Students should not to be doing anything else that does not involve getting ready to leave.
P – As soon as students pack their belongings they are reading their independent reading book using a 0 voice level.

S – Success!

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