September 08, 2013

Classroom Vision

“Exposing all students to the best circumstances can foster positive behavior and high levels of motivation [in all students]. Behavior can be changed.” (Sprick, 2009, p.17)

The main focus of the first reading, Chapter 1, this week was to create a vision of our ideal classroom. As a general rule teacher should spend more time promoting positive, responsible behavior while recognizing that misbehavior occurs for a reason. Teachers must be sure to take this reason into account when determining an appropriate response. Sprick (2009) argues that teachers will be most effect in classroom management if they are “able to focus the majority of their time and energy on three main categories of teacher-based actions for promoting responsible behavior” (p. 20). This means that as a teacher I should concentrate more on the three variables that affect behavior; conditions, the behavior itself, and consequences. Classroom procedures which mostly closely relate to these three variables are long-range classroom goals, guidelines for success, and communication with families. My next few blogs will further describe each of these components and give an example product I have created.

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